05/22 - In March, the interior was ready for occupancy. Small things were still finalized - and after there is finally no more ground frost in Scharnitz, we can finally start with the exterior work in May.

01/22 - Our oak parquet flooring has been laid, the kitchens have been delivered and we are busy tiling. It goes in great strides and we are looking forward to finally welcoming you to CHALET21 🙂

10/21 - CHALET21 is currently still under construction. We plan to open it for our guests from February 2022. 
Windows and interior walls installed, pipes laid, stairs concreted. Here is a small foretaste: 

11/21 - The facade was completed just in time before the first snowfall. Now the interior work is progressing in big steps: 
Estrich geschliffen und versiegelt, Wände verputzt, Türen eingebaut. To be continued…